Social Responsibility

RRS - Work Integrated Learning Programme Video

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Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Video Showcase

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Reutech Radar Systems is a major sponsor of the SUNSTEP (Stellenbosch University Science and Technology Electronics Programme) programme.

South Africa has a critical shortage of young engineers and scientists, especially from historically disadvantaged communities.

The main goal of SUNSTEP is to promote technological awareness and improve the technological capability of mainly disadvantaged learners and educators. The programme works closely with the Education Department in order to remain aligned to the Curriculum. It offers an integrated hands-on component, introducing electricity and electronics to schools, and exposing learners to basic electrical and electronic concepts.

Bursary Programme

Reutech Radar Systems’ bursary programme was launched in 2012 and offers bursaries to students in Engineering (Mechatronics, Electrotechnical, Electronics and Mechanical), Mathematics and Computer Science. These bursaries are available for the normal duration of the programme to individuals studying in the Western Cape. The bursary covers tuition fees, full accommodations fees, a book allowance and all other reasonable expenses.

Schools Project

The Schools Project was started in 2012 to reach out to schools in rural areas in and around Stellenbosch, Western Cape. Two Primary Schools were supported in 2012 by means of much needed laboratory equipment and stationery.


The aim of THRIP (Technology for Human Resources for Industry Programme) is to enhance and extend cooperation between tertiary education institutions and industry to increase South Africa’s competitiveness. THRIP levers collaborative partnerships on a cost sharing basis for research in science, engineering and technology. Reutech supports this programme at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town and the focus in 2012 and 2013 has been on microwave antennas and components.

Internship Programme

RRS’ Internship Programme is in partnership with SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority of South Africa). Students in the electronic engineering field are doing their internship at RRS for a period of 6 and 12 months. The Internship Programme is delivering a steady stream of well qualified engineering technicians.

Legacy Centre

One of RRS’ Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives is the Legacy Centre. It’s a multifunctional community centre in Khayamandi, Stellenbosch. The Legacy Centre is an afterschool centre for more than 180 learners between Grade 1 and 12. The programme is based on the premise that building an accountable generation – that will take responsibility for their own future – is the best way to bring real change and hope to the community.

Legacy Centre Video

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