Set Top Boxes

set top boxes history icon 2023

Set Top Boxes - for Digital Terrestrial Television

Consumer Electronics

Reutech offers several digital product options, which can be customised to suit different requirements and markets.

The new generation QT100 range of MPEG-4 set top boxes is specifically designed for reliability, usability, low power consumption and affordability. The QT100 is a feature rich compact MPEG-4, H.264 / Advanced Video Coded (AVC) terrestrial set top box decoder.

Due to its R&D resources, and cutting-edge technology through strategic partnerships, Reutech is well positioned to lead South Africa in the local design, development and manufacture of a broad range of digital systems to meet the immediate digital migration requirements. With access to DVB-T, DVB-S2 and HD MPEG-4 technologies, Reutech also offers customised solutions to suit different environments or platforms.

Solar Trackers and Mounting

Reutech has the capability to supply the following:
Concentrated Photo Voltaic Panel
Concentrated Photo Voltaic Panel

Mobile Hybrid Power Plant

The new and innovative mobile hybrid power plant is the ideal power solution for varied equipment needs. This product features:
Mobile Hybrid Power Plant
Mobile Hybrid Power Plant


The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is a multinational project that constructed the largest single optical astronomical telescope in the Southern Hemisphere.

Reutech was responsible for the design, manufacture, installation and commissining of the following high precision telescope mechanical and control systems:

Robotic Tracker
Robotic Tracker
Dome and Shutter Drives and Control
Dome and Shutter Drives and Control
Structure Drives and Control
Structure Drives and Control

Robotic Tracker

One of the telescope’s most complex sub-systems, the tracker, carries the prime focus payload, which houses the optical instruments. Together, the tracker and the payload are the scientific nerve centre of the telescope. The tracker operates thirteen independent real-time servo systems, including a six degree-of-freedom hexapod. The total mass of the payload is just over 1 ton, while the tracker itself weighs an additional 4,5 tons. The tracker is able to position the payload so that it can acquire and track celestial objects with an accuracy of 5 microns and 1 arc second over its entire range. This is equivalent to the positioning of a large truck 13 m above the mirror with an accuracy of a hair’s breadth.

Dome and Shutter Drives and Control

Reutech designed, manufactured and installed the suspension, drives and controls of the 30 ton, 25 m diameter hemispherical dome as well as the drives and control of the dome shutter which opens the telescope at night. The suspension bogies were designed to support the rotating dome in sub-zero temperatures and secure it in winds of up to 220 km/h.

Structure Drives and Control

Reutech designed, manufactured and installed the drives and controls to move the 100 ton telescope structure in azimuth to within 0.02°. This included the control of 8 air-bearing pads to float the structure 15mm above the pier wall while being rotated by 2 servo-driven drive wheels. Reutech also supplied the pintle bearing system that constrains the structure radially while floating on the air cushion. The pintle bearing system also measures the azimuth position within 3 arc seconds.

Self Powered Container (SPC 100)

The Self Powered Container (SPC) is a multi-purpose, fully customisable, insulated container unit used in cases where sensitive instruments need to be protected against the elements in areas where grid electricity supply is unavailable or unreliable.

The system has the capability to remotely monitor and control all hardware and software components used within the container.

The following specifications are indicative of a baseline configuration, which can be adapted to suit the customer’s individual needs.

Self Powered Container (SPC 100)
Self Powered Container (SPC 100)
SPC 100 Diagram
SPC 100 Diagram
Laser Housing and Cover Diagram
Laser Housing and Cover Diagram
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