2D Radar - ESR 220 Thutlwa Hero Slider Background Illustration
2D Radar - RSR 210N Hero Slider Background Illustration
2D Radar - RSR 903 Hero Slider Background Illustration
RSR 906 - 2D Surveillance Radar Hero Slider Background Illustration
2D Radar - RSR 906N Hero Slider Background Illustration
3D Radar - RSR 410 Hero Slider Background Illustration
3D Radar - RSR 312N Hero Slider Background Illustration
3D Radar - RSR 410 Hero Slider Background Illustration
3D Radar - RSR 410N Hero Slider Background Illustration
2D Radar - RSR 906N Hero Slider Background Illustration
3D Radar - RSR 936N Hero Slider Background Illustration
Tracking Radar - RTS 3200 FORT Hero Slider Background Illustration
Active Self Protection Sensor - RSR 150 Hero Slider Background Illustration
Electronic Intelligence - RIS 100 Hero Slider Background Illustration
Hostile Fire Radar - RDS 180 Hero Slider Background Illustration
Tracking Radar - RTS 3200 FORT
RTS 3200 FORT icon 2023

Tracking Radar - RTS 3200 FORT

The FORT is a Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) optronics radar tracking system. The highly modular nature of the RTS 3200 radar design allows adaptation for alternative configurations of optronics sensors.

Tracking Radar - RTS 3200 FORT
Active Self Protection Sensor - RSR 150
RSR 150 icon 2023

Active Self Protection Sensor - RSR 150

The 3D radar sensor is optimised for the rapid acquisition and tracking of multiple incoming projectiles, such as Rocket Propelled Grenades, in order to designate fast reaction soft or hard kill countermeasures.

Active Self Protection Sensor - RSR 150
Electronic Intelligence - RIS 100
RIS 100 icon 2023

Electronic Intelligence - RIS 100

The RIS 100 sensor is a Radar Electronic Support Measures (R-ESM) receiver that covers the International Telecommunications Union radar bands allocated to marine radar at X-band (RIS 100X) and/or S-band (RIS 100S).

Electronic Intelligence - RIS 100
Hostile Fire Radar - RDS 180
RDS180 icon 2023

Hostile Fire Radar - RDS 180

Warning pilots of incoming hostile fire from small arms | Facilitation of evasive manoeuvres to improve aircraft survivability | Support for retaliatory action by helicopter through estimation of ground fire origin | Suitable for VIP, transport and helicopter gunship platforms

Hostile Fire Radar - RDS 180
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