RSR 410 - Ground-Based Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar Hero Slider Background Illustration
RSR 410 - Ground-Based Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar
RSR 420 icon 2023

RSR 420 - Ground-Based Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar

The RSR 420 is a high-accuracy multi-mode C-band Mobile Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar providing high performance surveillance, self-defence and weapon support applications.
RSR 420 - Vehicle Configuration - mast-mounted active radar antenna integrated with a radar equipment module
Main Vehicle Configuration - radar antenna
The two-vehicle configuration consists of a mast-mounted active radar antenna integrated with a radar equipment module that is able to operate unmanned.
RSR 420 - Vehicle Configuration - operator stations supporting operational missions
Optional Second Vehicle Configuration - operator stations
The optional second vehicle is equipped with operator stations supporting operational missions such as ground control intercept or weapons control.
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RSR 420 icon 2023

RSR 420

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