Reutech Radar Systems played host to the first ever formal engagement between the Honorable Minister of Defence and Military Veterans;
Dr LN Sisulu and members of the AMD Board (lead by its Chairman Mr Riaz Saloojee of Saab and the Executive Director of AMD – Mr Simphiwe Hamilton) as the recognised representatives of the SA Defence Industry (SADI) on 11 November 2011.
Aimed at cementing the relationship between the SADI and the Minister, this engagement was the initiative of the Minister who was accompanied by senior advisory staff from her office.
Having received an introductory presentation from AMD, the Minister emphasised the relevance and importance of the SADI to the SANDF, the MoD&MV as well as to the SA Government and economy at large. She conveyed a strong message of her unwavering support to the SADI and invited the SADI to participate constructively in the evolving strategic policy formulation process within her Ministry.
Many other key issues were discussed and these include but are not limited to:
- How best the SADI can be supported in its exports drive including the participation of the SADI in official Defence Committee Bi-national engagements between the RSA and other nations; and
- The role of AMD in educating various stakeholders on the SADI and its value to society and the economy.
Minister Sisulu concluded the meeting by emphasising that Industry and Government are partners and that they are dependent on each other. The Minister will be exploring the possibility of establishing a liaison forum which would meet on a predetermined basis to deal with various issues that relate to and affect the SADI.